First Choice Home Care
Great British Care Awards Regional Finalist
Great British Care Awards Regional Finalist

Head Office & Snetterton 01953 667950

Halesworth 01986 800227
Norwich - Mental Health 01603 980394
Norwich - Domiciliary 01603 367729

Quality Home Care and Support in Norfolk and Suffolk

Benefits of home care

Benefits of home care

Keeping it in the family

As life expectancy increases, the demands on family members have escalated and according to the latest research from Care UK over 5 million people are now trying to balance caring and working. The mounting pressure that this exerts is resulting in over 600 people a day giving up their jobs to care for a loved one at home.

Keeping a relative at home has its obvious benefits which is why so many of us try to take on the care of a loved one. The patient has less disruption compared to moving into residential care where their surroundings are unfamiliar, and it avoids that whole process which can seem intimidating at a time when we are feeling at our weakest. Remaining in their home environment with consistent care delivered by a familiar face seems like the ideal situation but you don’t always have to shoulder the full responsibility yourself.

Providing hands-on help

Using a home care agency can be a vital support and can release some of the pressure shouldered by the family. Even a small amount of extra help can lift the load leaving you feeling more able to cope and ultimately help your patient more as your mental and physical strength is not so depleted.

Many fear that patients would feel let down by them if they use a professional carer, but this is rarely the case. A fresh friendly face can offer a new outlook and change of scene which can be refreshing and stimulating. In addition, patients would often prefer a professional to attend to their personal needs rather than a family member as they find it more comfortable; keeping their dignity intact.

Let's talk about you

First Choice care professionals are equipped with extensive training and can offer advice, support and valuable links to other services that may be required such as physiotherapists, occupational therapists and nursing care. Their experience can offer a wealth of invaluable advice and support.

It can be a daunting task to find suitable home care but we recommend the best place to start is to contact your local home care agency who will arrange a care needs assessment and provide a personal care and support plan.

First Choice Home Care provides a range of services from live-in care to daily or weekly visits with specialist support for mental health and wellbeing, Dementia care, Parkinsons care, Respite care, Palliative care and disabled care. 

Contact us - we're here to help: 01953 667950

CQC Inspection Rated Requires Improvement

Snetterton Branch

CQC Inspection Rated Requires Improvement

Norwich Branch

CQC Inspection Rated Good

Halesworth Branch